What am I looking at in your video?

Our unique Test Stand sets out to replicate how Bentech Bentonite® is confined underground and subsequently reacts to any puncture of the membrane, or, in other words, loss of pressure.

One layer of our GCL is 'confined' between the flanges of the test stand and the upper flange is filled with water. The tubes are perforated where they meet the GCL allowing a tie wire, as used to lay and secure reinforcing steel mesh, to be pushed through the membrane. This replicates a workers boots standing on the mesh/GCL as the concrete is poured for the floor. 

The video starts with the membrane being punctured many times in order to get a visible flow and water is eventually seen to be dripping through a number of the holes. After a few minutes the flow is seen to stop completely due to the pressure created by confining the expanding Bentonite Clay and the migration of the clay to the hole.

"It's worthy of note that at the time of filming (6/19), the Bentech Bentonite® used in the Test Stand was installed over 8 years prior and had been punctured no less than 34 times , continuing to self-heal within a matter of a few minutes."

What do I do next?

Specify Bentech Bentonite®

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Bentech Bentonite® environmentally friendly?

Don't look now but you've been brushing your teeth with it since you were a kid!

Sodium Bentonite is a non-toxic, 100% natural absorbent Aluminium Phyllosilicate clay consisting mostly of Montmorillonite. Formed around 250 million years ago in what is now known as Pangaea, Bentonite has been used for well over a century for everything from waterproofing Castles and Moats to lining landfills, farm ponds and reservoirs, health food supplements, toothpaste additives and lubricating drilling mud due to it's astonishing physical properties.

Our manufacturing process is very simple. We take Sodium Bentonite clay out of the ground, grind it to a powder, stitch it between two inert polyethylene sheets that allow for both ease of transport and uniform application of clay to the foundations of the building. 

Bentech Bentonite® is delivered to your building site in convenient 7x1 meter (40 Kg) rolls and installed back into the ground using a very simple,step by step process.

What is Codemark?

Codemark is a voluntary trans-Tasman building product certification scheme and all certified products comply with the requirements of the building codes of New Zealand and Australia.   

Codemark Certified products are able to be substituted without the approval of Designers, Architects, Local Authorities and other such permit issuing authorities.

How does the product self-heal?

One gram of 100% natural Sodium Bentonite Clay has an internal surface area of around 600 square meters!   In effect, it's a mineral sponge, able to absorb many times it's own weight in water and swelling significantly as a result, up to 800% actually.   When confined, this hydration and subsequent expansion results in the clay migrating to low pressure areas, ie, leaks and plugging them with clay gel and creating a pressure zone with up to 100 PSI of pressure withstanding water ingress with up to 70m of head pressure.

      Go here for information on Montmorillonite

or here for interesting information on The 70 Anomalies of Water

What does it cost?

Significantly less than post construction remedial earth works! To fix the leaks that WILL occur is going to be a major repair, likely costing thousands.  Don't get caught in the trap of thinking how it looks on the plans will be how it looks on the job. Work boots, tie wire and steel mesh will guarantee the DPM black plastic you put in hoping it would be waterproof will be perforated many times just pouring the floor slab.   It might take a few years but rest assured water will eventually seep, wick, ooze and flow just where you didn't think it would. 

Installing self-healing Bentech Bentonite® will save you thousands by avoiding a serious problem - water. 

Bentonite has been used since the Dark Ages to waterproof Castles, Moats and Dungeons - watertight since the dawn of time.

How hard is it to install?

Its not! In fact if you can lay carpet in your garage you can install Bentech Bentonite®. Drop us a line and we're happy to talk you through an easy step by step installation process.

Our Product Technical Statement has all the information you'll need to do it once - do it right.